The goal of the Teachers as Researchers program is to expand high school and middle school teachers' capacity for engaging their students in field investigations. The Teachers as Researchers program focuses on: building teachers’ understanding of field-based research and how it relates to the science inquiry process they teach their students through involvement of teachers in field-based research themselves. helping teachers identify, plan, and engage their students in field-based projects on their school site and in their communities. creating a network of support for the teachers who are engaged in this work. The Teachers as Researchers program is made possible by a partnership with the H.J. Andrews Experimental Forest Long Term Ecological Research Program and other grants. Please check back to this website to find out about periodic opportunities. For questions, contact the Oregon Natural Resources Education Program: . Current Projects include: Hummingbird Citizen Science Project Long-Term Decomposition Project Research Experience for Teachers (RET) fellowships. Past Projects include: Researcher Teacher Partnerships: making global climate change relevant in the classrooom What past participants in the Teachers as Researchers program say: Learning about research projects and learning how to apply the methods researchers use was one of the most valued aspects of the project. One teacher reported that, “I really appreciated having the opportunity to interact with various researchers. It was helpful to learn about current research they were conducting and then being able to brainstorm ways to apply similar field techniques at the high school level. I gained ideas about practical field inquiry studies I could do with my students from each researcher.” The teachers found the dialogue and discussion among teachers that occurred during and outside the workshops very useful in improving their practice and learning. One teacher reflected that, “it’s really valuable to “share projects.” It’s very empowering to have a group of colleagues struggling with the same issues.” Another teacher reported that, “It was incredibly useful to hear other teachers’ ideas. I found that I will be able to implement many aspects of what other teachers are doing.”