Thursday, February 20, 2025 to Friday, February 21, 2025Time: 9:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m., PT, both days Format & Length: In-person, 2 days, 13 hours Audience: K-12th grade educators, formal and nonformal Curriculum: Southern Oregon Fire Ecology Education (SOFEE) K-8 STEAM based open-source curriculum FireBright High School Wildfire Curriculum for Community Resilience and Career Pathways (9th-12th) Description: Join us for a rich and diverse 2-days of training in comprehensive fire science, fire safety, ecology, smoke, and community resilience curricula to use with your students! During the training, participants will receive hands-on training with individual activities and field experiences, and we will share how to embed Indigenous Traditional Knowledge (ITEK) and a trauma informed approach into your teaching. We will offer breakout sessions featuring activities by grade-band and information on student leadership and career connection opportunities. Lunch and snacks will be provided on both days. Brought to you by: Southern Oregon Forest Restoration Collaborative (SOFRC), Lomakatsi Restoration Project, Ashland Forest Resiliency, Bureau of Land Management (BLM), Science Works Hands On Museum, Southern Oregon Education Services District (SOESD), USDA Forest Service, Oregon Forest Resources Institute (OFRI), Oregon State University Extension, and Oregon Natural Resources Education Program (ONREP) Registration required. Offered at no cost to Oregon Educators. PDUs available. Substitute reimbursement available on teacher workdays. Registration for this workshop has closed. Day 1: Central Point OR, Day 2: Ashland OR & surrounding areasSouthern Oregon Return to Workshop Calendar