Friday, March 14, 2025

Time: 9:30 a.m. - 3:30 p..m., PT  

Format & Length:  In person, 6 hours 

Audience: Formal and nonformal educators working with 5th and/or 6th graders in outdoor school settings

Description: Arthropods (insects, spiders, crustaceans, etc.) are all around us, and each of us (and each of our students!) has personal experience with and connections to these segmented invertebrates. Join us in this workshop to explore ways to integrate arthropods into your teaching across multiple subject areas, and delve deeper into all the ways humans and arthropods are connected. Together, we will discuss ways to engage with these animals with curiosity and awareness at outdoor school and in the classroom before/after outdoor school.

Stipend: A $100 stipend is available from OSU Extension Service Outdoor School to support the attendance of eligible outdoor school educators who are not being compensated by their employer for the time they attend the workshop. Please contact with questions about stipend eligibility. Contact for all other inquiries about this workshop.

Brought to you by: OSU Extension Service Outdoor School program and  Oregon Natural Resource Education Program (ONREP)

Registration required and may close approximately one week prior to the workshop.  Offered at no cost to Oregon educators. PDUs available. Substitute reimbursement available on teacher work days.

Silverton, Oregon