Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Time: 9:00 a.m. - 4:00  p.m., PT

Format & Length: In-person, 7 hours

Audience: High School Educators, formal and nonformal 

Curriculum: Project WILD K-12 Curriculum & Activity Guide  

Description: Join us for a day in Tillamook County where we will take a first-hand look at the interrelationship between pollinators and forest health. This interactive regional experience includes:

  • Field trip to Hampton Lumber Company’s pollinator research study and a pollinator habitat in the log yard
  • Pollinator data collection protocols from the Oregon Bee Project
  • Companion activities in Project WILD K-12 Curriculum & Activity Guide 
  • Cultural perspectives about pollinators
  • Discussion with fellow educators
  • Complimentary boxed lunch 
  • Your own copy of the Project WILD K-12 Curriculum Guide. 

This workshop is brought to you by: Hampton Lumber, Oregon Bee Project, Oregon Forest Resources Institute, and Oregon Natural Resources Education Program (ONREP)

Registration required. Offered at no cost to Oregon educators. PDUs available. Substitute Reimbursement available on teacher workdays.

Registration for this workshop has closed. 

Tillamook, OR