Wednesday, May 7, 2025Time: 4:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m., PT Format & Length: Online, 2 hours Location: Zoom Audience: geared towards 6th-12th grade formal educators, but all are welcome Description: Join SubjectToClimate, Oregon Educators for Climate Education (OECE), and Our Future Student Leadership Network to discover how educators across all subjects can access free, standards-based lesson plans that connect directly to student-led climate action projects. Learn how to leverage the Oregon Climate Education Hub’s extensive collection of teacher-written, scientist-approved resources and explore real-world examples of integrating hands-on climate initiatives in your classroom and outside of it. Brought to you by: SubjectToClimate, Oregon Educators for Climate Education (OECE), Our Future Student Leadership Network, and ONREP (Oregon Natural Resources Education Program) Registration required and may close approximately one week prior to the workshop. Offered at no cost to Oregon educators. PDUs available. Substitute reimbursement available on teacher work days. OnlineRegister for this WorkshopReturn to Workshop Calendar