Please carefully fill out the following form to register for a workshop. You will receive an automated email confirmation after successful submission. You will receive a detailed Workshop Confirmation Letter 1 - 2 weeks prior to the workshop which will include information about the location, preparation, and more. All contact information will be treated with respect. For full workshop details, visit Please Note that you must have Javascript enabled in your browser for this form to work correctly. * - indicates a required field. Non-discrimination Statement | Declaración de Discriminación OSU Extension Service prohibits discrimination in all its programs, services, activities, and materials. El Servicio de Extensión de Oregon State University prohíbe la discriminación en todos sus programas, servicios, actividades y materiales. Workshop Selection * - Select -Trees, Seeds, and Interdisciplinary Needs: Using Science as a Thread for Connected Learning, Junction City March 15,2025Fire Ecology and the Human Relationship, Online, March 20, 2025Embracing the Big and Discovering the Small: The Restorative Power of Nature Journaling, Bend, April 4, 2025Growing Minds: Hands-On STEM with Nature and Agriculture, Lane County, April 19, 2025Embracing the Big and Discovering the Small: The Restorative Power of Nature Journaling, Redmond, April 25, 2025Waiting List - Nurturing Roots: Infusing Indigenous Culture into Outdoor Learning for Early Learners, Online, April 3 & 17,2025Black Oregonians’ Connection with Nature: Historical Context and Current Realities, Online Series, April 8, 14, & 22, 2025Curiosity and Action: Engaging Middle Schoolers in Carbon & Climate Education, Milwaukie, April 11ODS/ONREP: Preparing to Explore – Building Social Emotional Competencies for an Unforgettable Outdoor School Adventure, Online, April 24 & April 29, 2025ODS/ONREP: WILD About Birds - Integrating Birding into Outdoor School, Grants Pass, April 30 2025Nature as Home: Inspiring Outdoor Early Learning Through Sensory Connection, Corvallis, May 2, 2025Inspiring Students: Climate Education & Action in the Classroom, Online, May 7, 2025ODS/ONREP: Learning From Arthropods at Outdoor School, Silverton, May 9, 2025Dive into Water Literacy: Hands-On Science in the Wetlands, Hillsboro, June 18, 2025Fire Through Time: An Overnight Adventure, Fish Lake-McKenzie Bridge, June 20-22, 2025For Official Use Only First Name * Last Name * School/Organization * Enter the FULL NAME of your School or Organization. Please enter N/A if not applicable School/Organization Address * School/Org City * School/Org State * School/Org ZIP * School/Org County * Enter the COUNTY in which your school or organization is located: Baker, Benton, Clatsop, Clackamas, Columbia, Coos, Crook, Curry, Deschutes, Douglas, Gilliam, Grant, Harney, Hood River, Jackson, Jefferson, Josephine, Klamath, Lake, Lane, Lincoln, Linn, Malheur, Marion, Morrow, Multnomah, Polk, Sherman, Tillamook, Umatilla, Union, Wallowa, Wasco, Washington, Wheeler, Yamhill. Preferred contact information for this professional development event: Mailing Address * Printed guides or other materials may be shipped to you as part of this workshop. Enter your current mailing address for this workshop. If your mailing address is for a School or Organization, to ensure proper delivery, please include the school or organization name in the Mailing Address field, City * State * ZIP * County * mailing address COUNTY Phone number * enter your 10 digit phone number with no spaces or characters Email * Please carefully enter the email address that you wish to be contacted at for information about this workshop Alternate Email * Please enter an alternate email in case we cannot reach you at your preferred email. Professional Information Type of Educator * Nonformal Educator Formal Educator Homeschool Instructor Administrator Preservice Instructor Preservice Student Other (please specify) Nonformal Educator: And educator who is employed by a park, a non-profit organization, or other organization and works with a variety of students in a variety of settings Formal Educator: An educator who is employed by a school or school district and works primarily in a classroom setting Other Educator Please specify the type of educator you are Grade Level * Pre-K-K Elementary Middle School High School Pre-Service Adults Other (please specify) Select all that apply Other Grade Level Please specify the other grade level you teach If you work at a school, is your school Title I? * Yes No N/A Number of Students Reached in a Year * Please indicate N/A if not applicableAccommodations ONREP strives to make all our professional development events manageable and accessible for everyone. In the space below, please indicate any considerations, concerns, or accommodation requests. Please be as specific as possible. You may also call and leave a voice mail for ONREP staff at 541-737-2128 or send a message to Accommodation Requests Please indicate any accommodation requests here. Please be as specific as possible. You may also call and leave a voice mail for ONREP staff at 541-737-2128 or send a detailed email to us at Cancellation Policy This ONREP workshop is offered at NO cost to Oregon educators through external funding that covers all materials, fees, and instruction costs. We want to make sure that as many educators are able to benefit as these resources allow. We often have to turn away educators for lack of space. If you register and do not attend, the consequence is that the space reserved for you will go unused. We ask that you be mindful of others who would like to participate by letting us know as soon as possible if you are unable to attend. Contact us through email ( ) or phone (541-737-2128). Workshop Materials: If we have distributed any materials to you and you are not able to attend the workshop, you will be invoiced for the cost of the materials plus shipping and/or handling. Do you agree to ONREP’s Cancellation Policy and No-Show Policy? * I agree I don't agree I understand that virtual and in-person workshops may be recorded and that photos may be taken. Recordings and photos may be made available for training, program marketing, and/or access. For virtual workshops, I can change my name and turn off my camera on Zoom for greatest privacy. The chat is automatically recorded and saved. For in-person workshops, I will inform ONREP if I do not want my photos made available. Do you understand and agree to the above terms? * Yes No CAPTCHA This question is for testing whether you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions. Submit