Friday, October 16, 2015

Audience: Kindergarten – High School Educators
Time: 9am-4pm
Materials: Habits of Mind Cards
Location: Western View Center, Corvallis School District, 1435 SW 35th Street

Description: Participants will develop an awareness of systems thinking concepts and tools (such as Habits of a Systems Thinker, Behavior Over Time Graphs, connection circles, “Fixes that Backfire” archetype, iceberg, feedback loops). You will begin to analyze systems with these tools, using exercises that can be repeated in the classroom. The Oregon Environmental Literacy Plan will be introduced and participants will consider how you can utilize the systems thinking tools to address the Plan’s learning strands, and STEM. Substitute Reimbursement is available.

More information

Western View Center, Corvallis School District, 1435 SW 35th Street
Corvallis, OR